Why does my cat groom itself after I pet it?

Q. Have a pet formerly stray cat whenever I pet behind its ears, upper back or its forearms as soon as I move away it begins grooming/licking as if I've just soiled it with dirty human germs. Why?

A. There are a couple of theories about this. They're opposing theories: either your cat wants to get rid of your smell, or your cat wants to taste your scent because he's enjoying your company. Either way, it's normal behaviour for a cat. One of mine does it and the other one doesn't. Some cats do it in combination with biting. I've attached a link to an interesting page on it.

Why does my cat groom himself after I pet him while he's sleeping?
Q. I pet my cat while he's sleeping because he's so cute and soft!

He always wakes up and starts grooming himself immediately after, though.


A. Vanity......

My cats hair seems to hurt her when you pet her back, I have tried cleaning and grooming, she is in discomfort
Q. she originally started biting/nibling if you scratched her back, seemed okay but strange, now she actually will turn and bite, I have kids who like petting the cat but are afraid of her. occasionally she has dandriff, but my other cat does not, she is healthy.

A. I have a cat who does not like to be petted on the back. It might just be a personal preference of your cat. Mine will do the same thing. Try to just pet him on the head.

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