My dog just got hit can i ever get pet insurance?

Q. He had his leg broken pretty bad. Im paying big. I want to know if its to late to get pet insurance for him for the future.

A. Hi Rena

First, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio.

You can get pet insurance for your dog even though he was hit by a car. The pet insurance only covers stuff that hasn't happened yet so unfortunately your broken leg would not be covered, it is a pre-existing condition.

Typically in cases like this treatment related to your dog's broken leg would not be covered for a certain amount of time, usually the first year of a new policy. However if everything resolves satisfactorily then coverage would be re-instated for that broken leg in the second policy term (i.e. when your policy renews).

Not every pet insurance plan does things this way so be sure and check with each company to clarify.

So it is not too late to get him pet insurance for the future but you will have to bear the cost of treating his current broken leg.

I hope this helps,

Embrace Pet Insurance

Does anyone know of any good pet insurance for multiple dogs?
Q. I have five Chihuahuas, that I want to get health insurance for. Do you know of any, that are reasonable, and cover everything! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

A. u can buy insuran for your pet at the uni asia,ok?

What kind of pet insurance should I get for my dog?
Q. I just got a Pomeranian hes just a little pup 9 weeks old. I want to take it to the vet this week and I wanted to know what the most affordable insurance there is? What does it cover? (shoots, checkups)

A. One suggestion I have for you is to get a free quote from all the top websites. A good quote and compare site is here:

Not all insurance companies cover routine care like shots and checkups, however if you want that included in your plan, it will make your premiums more expensive and in some cases you end up paying more through the insurance than if you were to pay for shots out of pocket.

Typically, you want insurance that is going to cover your pet's veterinary bills in case of accidents or illnesses. I would recommend checking out Trupanion Pet Insurance. They are affordable and don't have any annual limits so if your pup has a lot of bills all in one year, you can be sure it would all be covered.

Read up on some reviews and look around at the quotes and what each company covers to see what you're in for. Good luck!

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