How to train your dog to stack when saying which paw to move?

Q. I have a little pug named Minnie and I am wanting to train her to wear when I say one she will move her front right foot and then when I say 2 she will move her left front foot, then when I say 3 she will move her right back foot, then when I say 4 she will move her left back foot. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Or any websites?

A. I'm not sure, but i'm guessing it would be something along the lines of teaching "paw" for the front 2, then going on from there. Maybe touching the leg to make it lift, the rewarding with a treat?

How do you train your dog on Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands?
Q. How do you train your dog on Harvest Moon Ds Sunshine Islands?
And any other tips/help/cheats for the game would really help!

A. The only way to "train" your dog is by throwing discs with him. Go into the pet stable and against the back wall should be a little table with throwing discs on it. Just click that to practice for the dog festival that is all you can do with your dog.

How did you train your dog to use a doggy door?
Q. We just bought & installed a doggy door for our two dogs. Both are over 2 years old, so this will be a new thing for them!! How did you train your dog to use a doggy door?

A. Sometimes, just encouraging the dog isn't enough. Some dogs belive the door is a wall, or are afraid of it. Tape it securely in the open position. Or fasten it in some other manner, just make sure it won't fall on your dogs when they go through. Once they go through it often, lower it about a quarter of the way. If this scares them at first, put a treat on the other side. Then lower it completely. If they don't go through and treats don't work, just show them it opens when they want to get through. this, combined with what you did before, will get most dogs to use the door.

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