How do I train my dog basic skills?

Q. I have an Alaskan Husky, and he's about 7 months old, but I have problems with him about staying put. I don't know how to train him because it seems hard to get him to pay attention. I've ran out of ways, and perhaps there are better techniques... please help!

A. Well, right now he's still a puppy, which means he'll be hyperactive and have a tough time paying attention. Still, if you're consistent, he should start picking up your commands after a while.

I like training by positive reinforcement. This means rewarding him for good behaviour. Be careful with punishment. Never whack your dog, especially with your hand, or he will become afraid of your hands.

It looks like you're training your dog to stay. I trained my dogs by keeping a treat in my hand, commanding the dog to stay and then moving away. Once I called her, she was allowed to come. If she came early, she didn't get the treat. If she waited until I called her, she got a treat.

What are the basic commands for training a dog, in French?
Q. What are these commands in French?


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A. come= Vien(vee-en) or ici (ee-see)
sit = Assis (a-see)
Stay= Reste (rest-e)
Heel= Rester au pied (res-tay o Pee-ay)
hope that helps a little!

How to train my dog basic tricks?
Q. Shes a 1 yr and almost 2month old shih tzu girl. Shes fixed.

When we got her all we taught her was sit, come, stay (still needs a bit of work) and we potty trained her.

Heres what i want to teach her:
Lie down

How can i teach her these at her age? (she is kinda stubborn too, as most shih tzus are) The summer is here so this is the time im gonna train her some more. Btw i do have treats.

A. if you want her to lay, she has to be able to sit (which she can)
you have her sit, then put a treat by her, when she's interested, lure it away from her, while having your had on her back so she doesn't get up. then she'll go into a laying position.

when you've got lay down, you can teach roll over. to have her do that you want her to lay down, then lure the treat in one way and she'll follow it with her nose.

shake is easy. you just pick up his paw and say shake, every once in a while, and she'll get the idea, you don't need treats for that. i don't know how to get them to stop though!

also, you can teach her to jump through a hula hoop by having her walk through it luring her with a treat , then eventually pick it up off the ground more. don't get frusterated, it takes a while for them to do that!

hope this helps!

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