At what age should I start taking my border Collie puppy to dog training?


A. As soon as he's old enough. First step is puppy manners class. After that, obedience. From there, you decide what types of things you want to do. Obedience, agility, flyball, herding, tricks, etc.

Groundwork training should be done from the second he's able to move around. A proper breeder would have been laying groundwork and you would have experience to continue it until he can get to puppy classes. If you don't have experience with what you should be teaching a puppy or a dog, then this is not the breed of dog for you.

What age to take a puppy/dog for obedience training?
Q. I have a Great Dane puppy. Of course I want the best training possible for her. Especially since she will become a huge size. The local Petsmart has a great reputable program and I was wondering at what age I should begin this?

A. Puppy kindergarten classes are now taking puppies after they've had their 2nd shots. Puppies at this age learn very quickly and this is the vital age where they need socializing.

I've taken my older Belgian at 3 months and my current Belgian shepherd puppy who's now 3 months just started classes. (Not Petsmart classes!)

Is professional puppy/dog training worth it at like Petsmart?
Q. Also, what's the best age of the puppy to take them to a professional trainer?

I'm talking about puppy training in a class with other dogs and their owners of course.

A. Professional training is a must! The more resources you have to help teach your dog how to behave in the human world, the more successful your relationship with your dog will be. So many dogs are discarded due to simple problems that could be fixed with basic training.

I would choose a trainer first, and a location second. You can go to the best facility, but if you get stuck with a lousy trainer you will set yourself, and your dog, up for failure. Places like Petsmart do hire good trainers, and more formal schools do hire bad ones.

The best time to start a class is 11-12 weeks. Puppies go through a fear stage around 9 weeks old and are usually out of it by 11 weeks. During this stage, puppies are more unsure of the world, and even minor bad experiences can result in a lifetime of problems. After 11 weeks, puppies are more equipped to handle the unknown, and are ready for school.

I would visit a location or two that is affordable and close to home. Then talk to all the trainers who work there and choose the one you like best.

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