Teaching the dog to come when called

By Jerry Welsh

Obedience training can improve the ties between man and dog. Basic obedience lessons develop the dog into good canine citizens. The pet's ability to do tricks will surely make a dog owner very proud. Obedience training is one way of controlling a dog's behavior. We love dogs but there are times when these affectionate animals would manifest a stubborn behavior and only the training to come when called can save the pet from a life threatening situation. The reason why many dogs were not saved from potentially dangerous situations is because the dogs were not trained to come when called.

Teaching the dog to come when called is especially important for dogs that are kept on a leash or in a crate. Dogs are energetic animals that would love nothing more than to jump run and play. A dog that was able to break free from the leash would be in dogs' 7th heaven. The dog would surely be very hard to catch especially if it was not trained to obey the come command. Dogs have been injured and worst killed because of this kind of situation.

Teaching the dog to come when called will be easy as dogs already have the tendency to be the shadow of their masters. Dogs are in fact called Velcro animals. However, aside from being hunters, dogs are also very curious animals. The dog will be torn between following an interesting scent and obeying the recall command of the master. Usually, the dog will follow the interesting scent.

Training the dog to come when called must be started when the dog is still a puppy. The owner has to get the dog's full concentration during the training thus a place that is free from distraction must be chosen. Stand a short distance away from the dog and give the come command.

Expect the dog not to come during your first try thus arm yourself with a toy or a treat to encourage the dog to follow the command. Reward the dog with a praise, a hug or a treat when the pet comes to you after you gave the command. Five to ten minute training sessions repeated several times a day are more effective as short sessions will not bore the dog. A dog that is well trained will come even if the command is issued from another room.

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