Brilliant Features Of Cat Poles

By Robert Baker

The natural instinct of cats is towards climbing, and it could be furniture or trees and even you. This regular urge of climbing led to the creation of cat poles. This quenches their desire of climbing and prevents the furniture from damage. This device is completely safe for the kitties and the furniture as well.

They come in a variety of styles and sizes. Many versions include multiple poles that have proven to be more appealing to cats. Kitties can choose the ones they like to climb, or use them for scratching or just lay in between and relax. However, one should understand the pet and choose the most suitable one accordingly.

The most common model available is the vertical pole. The design is generally a simple solid base with cylindrical rod. The posts are covered with a soft fabric that allows your kitty to sharpen the claws. Many times the scratching pad is supported by the rod that enables cats to climb up comfortably.

Many posts are constructed in an inclined way. This is the most suitable design for older pets as these need minimum effort in scratching as well as sharpening. Usually, there is no perch on the top. One can even hang a toy from the top for the cat to play.

The horizontal posts are very stable and are greatly convenient. The low level makes it quite interesting. They need less room and are suitable for apartments and small houses. Another material readily used for them is durable wood, for instance, cedar. It can withstand repetitive scratching, and the sturdy base gives stability.

Having cat poles at home has many benefits. It helps in keeping your home safe and secure. When you provide the kitties with their place to climb and scratch, they will not spoil the furniture. One of the most desirable material for them is sisal rope.

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