Getting over the issue of Crate Training a Puppy at Night

By Shane Cowler

Cute, furry and adorable - the reasons why we buy a puppy, right? Crate training a puppy at night usually does not factor into that equation at that 'let's get him" stage. Yup, and then we get home and quickly start being reminded as to why we had resisted the idea -those thoughts of crate training are immediate.

Puppy training - from housebreaking to crate training can be very frustrating. Honestly, though, it need not be too challenging if you approach it with love, tolerance and patience. Without looking for super fast results, you can methodically get your puppy to a point where they are fully house and crate trained

During the day, if you or someone stays at home, the crate training can be monitored. Night time - that's when the real challenge begins. The whimpering and crying can have you up all night. It's a difficult time but you'll get through it and here are some thoughts that may help.

Preparation for the crate training is key

Select a crate that is big enough so that the puppy can move about with ease

Get the chewable toy that you bought and place that in the crate

Place some blankets down into the crate and make it comfortable

The natural instinct of dogs is to be with their pack. Therefore they do not naturally enjoy being alone. Place the crate in a separate area that will be the pups territorially almost exclusive place

As they are naturally pack animals, puppies do not enjoy being left to their own devices. They want to be with the pack - your family. As a result, your first attempts to leave the pup alone will have lots of crying and whimpering. That's ok. Stick to the plan. Introduce the puppy to the crate for small periods, then increase these until pup likes the idea of heading off to the crate.

It is VITAL that the crate does not become a place of punishment. Throwing the puppy in the crate when he's been naughty will only signal bad things about the crate to him. This will make crate training a puppy at night really hard.

The success to crate training puppies at night is to ensure that they feel secure and are content. You can always encourage the pup at night to get in the crate with a treat. The thing is, dogs thrive on consistency and this is what you want to instill when you are crate training a puppy at night. Make a habit of the treats and try and keep the same times for bed.

The most important aspects to remember in any successful training is to exercise lots of love, consistency and earn the trust of the pup. With tolerance and patience you can quickly succeed in crate training a puppy at night

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