does anyone know of any websites where i can get coupons on cat food in the USA cat food they sell at walmart?

cat food coupons
 on Friskies Cat Food Coupons 2013
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my moms out of work for a month for back problems she messed her back up lifting patients shes a nurse and on short term dissability and we have 4 stray cats we fed regularly along with 2 dogs

Answer has 99 different coupons when i search for "cat"

The are a clipping service and provide the coupons out of the paper. Many printable coupons are not accepted at grocery stores. Call your stores first before you print them and go. It would be embarasing and make me angry if I counted on coupons that were rejected at the check out isle.

Are there any cat food coupons out there?

Q. I'm looking for Fancy Feast coupons ...or if you know of a store that has this food (cans only) on sale!

It's expensive to take care of a cat ...but we love her! :)

Walmart has decent prices on fancy feast in cans, or shoprite.

Why don't they put toys in cereal anymore, or coupons in cat food?

Kristine R

OK, I no longer play with toys, but I sometimes buy kiddee cereals. I noticed rarely do cereals have those little toys in them anymore? I guess with our ultra-careful society today, we're worried about kidlets choking. Somehow in the 80's we played with toys painted with lead paint, ate cereal with toys in the box, and I don't remember any kids ingesting those toys with magnets either. No one made a big deal out of this stuff. Maybe kids today are born dumber because of the pollution in the atmosphere, so extra precautions need to be made. I think it's a sign of economic woes - companies cutting costs wherever they can - no toys in cereal, no cat food coupons in the bag. Sad times.

Yea, well i miss those old toys in the cereal boxes. Yea i think that the cereal companies are getting cheeper. Soon we might even be having cereal that only comes from CHINA.... hehe

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what is the best dog training book to read for an apbt puppy?

puppy dog training
 on Stock image of 'Dog Puppy Education Training'
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i recently ordered pit bulls for dummies, and will soon acquire a copy of dog training for dummies.

the lady that lives downstairs from me gave me a book titled 'Smarter than you Think' and it tells you to throw things at your dog to teach it to come, and to stick a match in its butt to poop, and not trust dog food companies, and all this weird stuff, not too sure about that book.

any other suggestions? or tips?

When I had just got my APBT I went to my local library's site and in the keyword box i put Pit Bull and it came up with alot of good books that were really useful so try looking up your library. They have alot of info on APBTs. Good luck

What are the pros and cons of crate training for puppy dogs?


I have a 9-week old mini pinscher. I live in a relatively spacious Manhattan apartment.

Not a whole lot of cons. Some dogs are not properly introduced to the crate, so they may have a bad experience and become fearful of the crate - they may bark or injure themselves trying to get out.

it's humane
it's safe (for both your dog and your house)
it's a lot easier when you travel with your dog
it's a lot easier when you leave your dog at a boarding kennel
it speeds up house training
it gives your dog a safe secure place to call its own
it's very helpful when you have people over to visit or workmen in and out for any reason.

ETA: The biggest con I've found is my one dog knows it's his safety zone. When he sees me bring out the bottle of ear cleaner he dives into his crate. He knows I won't go in after him. So I have to remember to close and lock his crate before I get out the ear cleaner.

Who is considered to be the best dog/puppy training facility?


Our 8mo old puppy seems to have a very short attention span. We take her out on a leash to "potty" and if there is anything or anybody else around, she is distracted and does nothing. It can be a bird, a car, a person, or just sniffing in the wind. She has learned to obey the "sit" and "shake" (offers a paw) commands. Has not learned "down" or "stay". We think she is "ADHD". Any suggestions?

Puppies like babies have short attention span. But you are wise to consider obedience training. Look for trainer who is an animal behaviorist and you should be fine no matter who you choose. Call your local vet office to see if they can recommend one. I would stay away from PetSmart. I've seen the way they train and it is not the best.

I got both my dogs trained when they were puppies. I brought them every Saturday for an hour and it was great. I learned a lot. And depending on what kind of dog you have, you may really really need the training. I have 2 miniature schnauzers, which are smart stubborn dogs.

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Can someone help with basic training for dogs?

basic dog training on you may be interested in getting some basic dog training. Dog training ...
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I can't seem to train my 3 1/2 year old Chihuahua mixed terrier. Treats and training books aren't helping....She barks, growls and try to attack everyone she at view. She won't go at your pace and when you stop before crossing the street, she still tries to go causing the leash/collar to choke her. Books aren't helping and I have no money for professional training. I believe I almost tried everything.

These problems sound more than just basic obedience. There are about 10 problems in there, that one can not answer in 2 paragraphs or so. You really need to enroll in a dog training class. Petsmart has a great program and relatively cheap.

Also as a side tip, you may want to get a gentle leader. It is a tool for pulling, and agression. It works just like a horse harness; wherever the head goes the body will follow. Once you sign up for a dog training class, have the trainer fit the gentle leader on the dog and show you how to use it. Again it is a tool not a magic wand. Avoid a collar and especially a choker when walking her; you can do permiment neck damage.

What is basic training for a dog consist of?


I am going to take my pup to petco to get him, his basic training and i was wondering what is included in the basic training?

sit, stay, come, heal, leave it, drop it, stay with a 20 foot lead, stay while the owner walks away, etc

also a lot of socialization around strangers and other dogs.

I took my dog to Petsmart, but I would assume they are fairly similar. I had an amazing trainer that really listened to the class' ideas for their pups. My dog was fine with socialization but not good with loud noises. So we worked on that a lot. I was working on having my dog CGC certified and my trainer helped me a lot with that as well.

What are the basic commands for training a dog?


What are the basic commands used in training a puppy or controlling a dog? I'm looking for whoever can come up with the most, best commands. 10 points, people, 10 points.


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How did you train your dog to be a Therapy Dog?

train your dog
 on Train Your Dog
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Q. Do any of you have a Therapy Dog? If so how did you train it? With a clicker or without? I am asking because I think my dog would make an excellent one; although he needs some more training.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your help everyone.

Once you have your basic obedience down, try for the CGC. Then after your dog is a year old, contact one of the therapy dog registries and see what additional qualifications they require.

Therapy Dogs International
Therapy Dogs Incorporated
The Delta Society

These are 3 of the premier registries for therapy dogs in the US.

How do you train your dog to do agility?


Is it difficult?
It is a papillon. My friend wants to try agility since the dog is smart and athletic.

It's really to involved to get into here. What I would suggest is locating a good aglity class and you'll be looking for is a good Foundation or Beginner 1 class.

Make sure you and your friend sit in on a class and watch before joining. Make sure you like the way the instructor interacts with the student and the dog. The the people look like their having fun? How about the dogs? The jumps should be on the ground, A-Frame, dogwalks and see-saw should be at the lowest possible height.

Any dog can do agility, it's not breed specific.

You can find agility clubs thru these websites:

How do you train your dog not to attack other dogs?

sakura har

I set up a play date for my lab puppy and just as the other dog got near her she started to bark viciously and growl. I tried to gain control of her but her nails scratched me up really bad.It is the same with walking her,she is fine walking until another dog passes by she'll get really mean and growl and bark.What do I do?

Your dog needs to know who is in control. Try getting your puppies' attention by hitting its body, of course not hard but hard enough that your dogs attention is at you. If that doesn't work grab and hold your dog towards the ground. The hold should be firm and place one of your hands on the neck or collar. If your dog tries to move just hold it there longer and repeatly say "NO".

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What is the best pet insurance for your dog?

dog pet insurance
 on Pet insurance
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I have a 5 month old female pomeranian and her DR. said that her knee caps are out of place and will need surgery in the near future to fix them. What is the best insurance to use ?

This will be tricky because now that it has been diagnosed, it is considered a pre-existing condition which no one will cover. If your vet says it is a genetic problem, look into Embrace pet insurance. They are the only company I know of that will cover genetic breed related diseases.

If her knee caps are really bad, it is important to fix them soon. Otherwise, her legs may grow crooked and predispose her to ACL tears and hip problems.

Which is the best pet insurance for dog in California?


I was wondering which pet insurance is the best and most reliable for my 1 years old mini schnauzer?(I do not want to spend too much, but still need the basic stuff such as vaccine...etc) In addition, I am planning to buy another one, so will there be any discount for 2 dogs in the same plan?
thanks for answer me.
I am using Banfield right now, but I do not think it is worth it to get what I paid.

If need more helpful information on pet insurance you should visit

What is the best pet insurance for my dog?


She is a 8 month old Shitzu and we want to get her insurance. We live in San Diego, California
Also, is insurance recommended?

I have VPI Pet Insurance, and it is great. I paid $300 for the year (slightly more if you pay monthly), and it has almost paid itself off and I purchased it mid-March.

They have a vaccination reimbursement that goes along with the insurance, so depending on how expensive your vet is, you will get a portion of the cost of all needed vaccinations, as well as spay/nueter procedure, microchip, fecal exam, and flea and heartworm meds.

The only thing that isn't good about it, and I think all pet insurance works this way, you have to pay up front, but you get your reimbursment check within 30 days.

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