How did you train your dog to be a Therapy Dog?

Q. Do any of you have a Therapy Dog? If so how did you train it? With a clicker or without? I am asking because I think my dog would make an excellent one; although he needs some more training.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your help everyone.

A. Once you have your basic obedience down, try for the CGC. Then after your dog is a year old, contact one of the therapy dog registries and see what additional qualifications they require.

Therapy Dogs International
Therapy Dogs Incorporated
The Delta Society

These are 3 of the premier registries for therapy dogs in the US.

How do you train your dog to do agility?
Q. Is it difficult?
It is a papillon. My friend wants to try agility since the dog is smart and athletic.

A. It's really to involved to get into here. What I would suggest is locating a good aglity class and you'll be looking for is a good Foundation or Beginner 1 class.

Make sure you and your friend sit in on a class and watch before joining. Make sure you like the way the instructor interacts with the student and the dog. The the people look like their having fun? How about the dogs? The jumps should be on the ground, A-Frame, dogwalks and see-saw should be at the lowest possible height.

Any dog can do agility, it's not breed specific.

You can find agility clubs thru these websites:

How do you train your dog not to attack other dogs?
Q. I set up a play date for my lab puppy and just as the other dog got near her she started to bark viciously and growl. I tried to gain control of her but her nails scratched me up really bad.It is the same with walking her,she is fine walking until another dog passes by she'll get really mean and growl and bark.What do I do?

A. Your dog needs to know who is in control. Try getting your puppies' attention by hitting its body, of course not hard but hard enough that your dogs attention is at you. If that doesn't work grab and hold your dog towards the ground. The hold should be firm and place one of your hands on the neck or collar. If your dog tries to move just hold it there longer and repeatly say "NO".

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Does anyone knows where can I get free dog/cat food printed coupons?

Q. I realized that some people sell them on Ebay, but where did they get that for free?

A. Lots of patients will get you the coupons you need. Buying them is the quick way. Some websites that offer coupons also offer pet food coupons, so check those, and also ask for samples as the samples nearly always come with coupons.

does anyone know of any websites where i can get coupons on cat food in the USA cat food they sell at walmart?
Q. my moms out of work for a month for back problems she messed her back up lifting patients shes a nurse and on short term dissability and we have 4 stray cats we fed regularly along with 2 dogs

A. has 99 different coupons when i search for "cat"

The are a clipping service and provide the coupons out of the paper. Many printable coupons are not accepted at grocery stores. Call your stores first before you print them and go. It would be embarasing and make me angry if I counted on coupons that were rejected at the check out isle.

Are there any cat food coupons out there?
Q. I'm looking for Fancy Feast coupons ...or if you know of a store that has this food (cans only) on sale!

It's expensive to take care of a cat ...but we love her! :)

A. Walmart has decent prices on fancy feast in cans, or shoprite.

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Does anybody have pet insurance for their Dog/other animals ?

Q. What did you pay for it ?
Any additional info is appreciated.

A. I have pet insurance for my 3 year old beagle mix. It's about $100 per year. I have the cheaper plan with VPI, and it doesn't cover routine stuff or spaying/neutering. Still, it's really cheap and they do reimburse you for vet expenses related to accidents, illnesses or injuries. My dog ate some chicken wings once and the insurance reimbursed me for the x-rays and stuff. I really like it because I know my dog will always have the care he needs even if I don't have money. I just have it in case of emergencies, which is what it's really good for.

My dog just got hit can i ever get pet insurance?
Q. He had his leg broken pretty bad. Im paying big. I want to know if its to late to get pet insurance for him for the future.

A. Hi Rena

First, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio.

You can get pet insurance for your dog even though he was hit by a car. The pet insurance only covers stuff that hasn't happened yet so unfortunately your broken leg would not be covered, it is a pre-existing condition.

Typically in cases like this treatment related to your dog's broken leg would not be covered for a certain amount of time, usually the first year of a new policy. However if everything resolves satisfactorily then coverage would be re-instated for that broken leg in the second policy term (i.e. when your policy renews).

Not every pet insurance plan does things this way so be sure and check with each company to clarify.

So it is not too late to get him pet insurance for the future but you will have to bear the cost of treating his current broken leg.

I hope this helps,

Embrace Pet Insurance

Does anyone know of any good pet insurance for multiple dogs?
Q. I have five Chihuahuas, that I want to get health insurance for. Do you know of any, that are reasonable, and cover everything! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

A. u can buy insuran for your pet at the uni asia,ok?

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At what age should I start taking my border Collie puppy to dog training?


A. As soon as he's old enough. First step is puppy manners class. After that, obedience. From there, you decide what types of things you want to do. Obedience, agility, flyball, herding, tricks, etc.

Groundwork training should be done from the second he's able to move around. A proper breeder would have been laying groundwork and you would have experience to continue it until he can get to puppy classes. If you don't have experience with what you should be teaching a puppy or a dog, then this is not the breed of dog for you.

What age to take a puppy/dog for obedience training?
Q. I have a Great Dane puppy. Of course I want the best training possible for her. Especially since she will become a huge size. The local Petsmart has a great reputable program and I was wondering at what age I should begin this?

A. Puppy kindergarten classes are now taking puppies after they've had their 2nd shots. Puppies at this age learn very quickly and this is the vital age where they need socializing.

I've taken my older Belgian at 3 months and my current Belgian shepherd puppy who's now 3 months just started classes. (Not Petsmart classes!)

Is professional puppy/dog training worth it at like Petsmart?
Q. Also, what's the best age of the puppy to take them to a professional trainer?

I'm talking about puppy training in a class with other dogs and their owners of course.

A. Professional training is a must! The more resources you have to help teach your dog how to behave in the human world, the more successful your relationship with your dog will be. So many dogs are discarded due to simple problems that could be fixed with basic training.

I would choose a trainer first, and a location second. You can go to the best facility, but if you get stuck with a lousy trainer you will set yourself, and your dog, up for failure. Places like Petsmart do hire good trainers, and more formal schools do hire bad ones.

The best time to start a class is 11-12 weeks. Puppies go through a fear stage around 9 weeks old and are usually out of it by 11 weeks. During this stage, puppies are more unsure of the world, and even minor bad experiences can result in a lifetime of problems. After 11 weeks, puppies are more equipped to handle the unknown, and are ready for school.

I would visit a location or two that is affordable and close to home. Then talk to all the trainers who work there and choose the one you like best.

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My dog just got hit can i ever get pet insurance?

Q. He had his leg broken pretty bad. Im paying big. I want to know if its to late to get pet insurance for him for the future.

A. Hi Rena

First, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio.

You can get pet insurance for your dog even though he was hit by a car. The pet insurance only covers stuff that hasn't happened yet so unfortunately your broken leg would not be covered, it is a pre-existing condition.

Typically in cases like this treatment related to your dog's broken leg would not be covered for a certain amount of time, usually the first year of a new policy. However if everything resolves satisfactorily then coverage would be re-instated for that broken leg in the second policy term (i.e. when your policy renews).

Not every pet insurance plan does things this way so be sure and check with each company to clarify.

So it is not too late to get him pet insurance for the future but you will have to bear the cost of treating his current broken leg.

I hope this helps,

Embrace Pet Insurance

Does anyone know of any good pet insurance for multiple dogs?
Q. I have five Chihuahuas, that I want to get health insurance for. Do you know of any, that are reasonable, and cover everything! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

A. u can buy insuran for your pet at the uni asia,ok?

What kind of pet insurance should I get for my dog?
Q. I just got a Pomeranian hes just a little pup 9 weeks old. I want to take it to the vet this week and I wanted to know what the most affordable insurance there is? What does it cover? (shoots, checkups)

A. One suggestion I have for you is to get a free quote from all the top websites. A good quote and compare site is here:

Not all insurance companies cover routine care like shots and checkups, however if you want that included in your plan, it will make your premiums more expensive and in some cases you end up paying more through the insurance than if you were to pay for shots out of pocket.

Typically, you want insurance that is going to cover your pet's veterinary bills in case of accidents or illnesses. I would recommend checking out Trupanion Pet Insurance. They are affordable and don't have any annual limits so if your pup has a lot of bills all in one year, you can be sure it would all be covered.

Read up on some reviews and look around at the quotes and what each company covers to see what you're in for. Good luck!

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What is the best pet insurance for your dog?

Q. I have a 5 month old female pomeranian and her DR. said that her knee caps are out of place and will need surgery in the near future to fix them. What is the best insurance to use ?

A. This will be tricky because now that it has been diagnosed, it is considered a pre-existing condition which no one will cover. If your vet says it is a genetic problem, look into Embrace pet insurance. They are the only company I know of that will cover genetic breed related diseases.

If her knee caps are really bad, it is important to fix them soon. Otherwise, her legs may grow crooked and predispose her to ACL tears and hip problems.

Which is the best pet insurance for dog in California?
Q. Hi:
I was wondering which pet insurance is the best and most reliable for my 1 years old mini schnauzer?(I do not want to spend too much, but still need the basic stuff such as vaccine...etc) In addition, I am planning to buy another one, so will there be any discount for 2 dogs in the same plan?
thanks for answer me.
I am using Banfield right now, but I do not think it is worth it to get what I paid.

A. If need more helpful information on pet insurance you should visit

What is the best pet insurance for my dog?
Q. She is a 8 month old Shitzu and we want to get her insurance. We live in San Diego, California
Also, is insurance recommended?

A. I have VPI Pet Insurance, and it is great. I paid $300 for the year (slightly more if you pay monthly), and it has almost paid itself off and I purchased it mid-March.

They have a vaccination reimbursement that goes along with the insurance, so depending on how expensive your vet is, you will get a portion of the cost of all needed vaccinations, as well as spay/nueter procedure, microchip, fecal exam, and flea and heartworm meds.

The only thing that isn't good about it, and I think all pet insurance works this way, you have to pay up front, but you get your reimbursment check within 30 days.

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Does anybody have pet insurance for their Dog/other animals ?

Q. What did you pay for it ?
Any additional info is appreciated.

A. I have pet insurance for my 3 year old beagle mix. It's about $100 per year. I have the cheaper plan with VPI, and it doesn't cover routine stuff or spaying/neutering. Still, it's really cheap and they do reimburse you for vet expenses related to accidents, illnesses or injuries. My dog ate some chicken wings once and the insurance reimbursed me for the x-rays and stuff. I really like it because I know my dog will always have the care he needs even if I don't have money. I just have it in case of emergencies, which is what it's really good for.

My dog just got hit can i ever get pet insurance?
Q. He had his leg broken pretty bad. Im paying big. I want to know if its to late to get pet insurance for him for the future.

A. Hi Rena

First, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio.

You can get pet insurance for your dog even though he was hit by a car. The pet insurance only covers stuff that hasn't happened yet so unfortunately your broken leg would not be covered, it is a pre-existing condition.

Typically in cases like this treatment related to your dog's broken leg would not be covered for a certain amount of time, usually the first year of a new policy. However if everything resolves satisfactorily then coverage would be re-instated for that broken leg in the second policy term (i.e. when your policy renews).

Not every pet insurance plan does things this way so be sure and check with each company to clarify.

So it is not too late to get him pet insurance for the future but you will have to bear the cost of treating his current broken leg.

I hope this helps,

Embrace Pet Insurance

What kind of pet insurance should I get for my dog?
Q. I just got a Pomeranian hes just a little pup 9 weeks old. I want to take it to the vet this week and I wanted to know what the most affordable insurance there is? What does it cover? (shoots, checkups)

A. One suggestion I have for you is to get a free quote from all the top websites. A good quote and compare site is here:

Not all insurance companies cover routine care like shots and checkups, however if you want that included in your plan, it will make your premiums more expensive and in some cases you end up paying more through the insurance than if you were to pay for shots out of pocket.

Typically, you want insurance that is going to cover your pet's veterinary bills in case of accidents or illnesses. I would recommend checking out Trupanion Pet Insurance. They are affordable and don't have any annual limits so if your pup has a lot of bills all in one year, you can be sure it would all be covered.

Read up on some reviews and look around at the quotes and what each company covers to see what you're in for. Good luck!

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How to train your dog to stack when saying which paw to move?

Q. I have a little pug named Minnie and I am wanting to train her to wear when I say one she will move her front right foot and then when I say 2 she will move her left front foot, then when I say 3 she will move her right back foot, then when I say 4 she will move her left back foot. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Or any websites?

A. I'm not sure, but i'm guessing it would be something along the lines of teaching "paw" for the front 2, then going on from there. Maybe touching the leg to make it lift, the rewarding with a treat?

How do you train your dog on Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands?
Q. How do you train your dog on Harvest Moon Ds Sunshine Islands?
And any other tips/help/cheats for the game would really help!

A. The only way to "train" your dog is by throwing discs with him. Go into the pet stable and against the back wall should be a little table with throwing discs on it. Just click that to practice for the dog festival that is all you can do with your dog.

How did you train your dog to use a doggy door?
Q. We just bought & installed a doggy door for our two dogs. Both are over 2 years old, so this will be a new thing for them!! How did you train your dog to use a doggy door?

A. Sometimes, just encouraging the dog isn't enough. Some dogs belive the door is a wall, or are afraid of it. Tape it securely in the open position. Or fasten it in some other manner, just make sure it won't fall on your dogs when they go through. Once they go through it often, lower it about a quarter of the way. If this scares them at first, put a treat on the other side. Then lower it completely. If they don't go through and treats don't work, just show them it opens when they want to get through. this, combined with what you did before, will get most dogs to use the door.

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What is a reasonable time to get your dog trained in basic commands?

Q. All dogs need training, but how long is too long when taking the time to train your dog? Does this include or not include proofing? If a dog gets trained and proofed in the end, is the person a good trainer regardless of how long it took to get there? I am talking about basic obedience commands like: sit, lay, stay, walking nicely on a leash, heel, leave/take it, come.

Also, how do you feel about the "watch me" command?
I use the "watch me" command, because I pair commands w/ hand signals. I found he understands what I want better pairing the two up.

A. The short answer is..... as long as it takes. 'Watch me' is a great one to teach. Ideally you should incorporate training in to play sessions, much more fun for both of you. Lots of short session all day. Check out that site has great advice on basic lifestyle skills and how to teach them, helped me put lots of things in perspective.

How much does Petco's Basic Dog Training Class cost?
Q. We just adopted a 5 month old lab mix from an animal shelter and would like to bring her to training classes. Anyone know for about how much the basic training classes at Petco cost?

(I know they vary store to store, but I'm just looking for approximately how much the classes usually run for.)

A. Mine cost 155 dollars. I live in Massachusetts.

Just a warning, classes at Petco do NOT work. I also took my 6 month old lab mix which I got from a shelter, it's a low budget class, not taken very seriously by staffers. I'm sure they vary but if I were you I'd invest the extra 50-60 dollars in getting a reputable trainer at a reputable business. I enrolled my dog in puppy classes with a place voted Best of Boston for 5 straight years and what surprised me was the price was 240.00 the class was much more professional, they provided clickers to train with, online videos, handouts, and lots of patience and a much better work space. If I were you I'd research another place first! I hope this helps... good luck and congrats with your new dog!

Does anybody know what are the basic questions one is given for a dog training interview?
Q. It's for PetSmart,I'm going to apply to be a dog trainer so I figured you guys could help. Thanks!

A. I would figure they would ask you about your dog training experience and why you feel you are qualified.

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What kind of pet insurance should I get for my dog?

Q. I just got a Pomeranian hes just a little pup 9 weeks old. I want to take it to the vet this week and I wanted to know what the most affordable insurance there is? What does it cover? (shoots, checkups)

A. One suggestion I have for you is to get a free quote from all the top websites. A good quote and compare site is here:

Not all insurance companies cover routine care like shots and checkups, however if you want that included in your plan, it will make your premiums more expensive and in some cases you end up paying more through the insurance than if you were to pay for shots out of pocket.

Typically, you want insurance that is going to cover your pet's veterinary bills in case of accidents or illnesses. I would recommend checking out Trupanion Pet Insurance. They are affordable and don't have any annual limits so if your pup has a lot of bills all in one year, you can be sure it would all be covered.

Read up on some reviews and look around at the quotes and what each company covers to see what you're in for. Good luck!

About how much does it cost to get pet insurance on a dog?
Q. Its a 1yr old Australian Shepherd.

A. It's not cheap, but it also depends on the breed (which you have established) and your city and state. Here are some web sites that can help you out:

Need help with choosing the right Pet Insurance for my dogs?
Q. I have two dogs. One just turned 1yr in June, and the other will be 1yr in September. I want to get pet insurance for them, but I don't know which insurance company is the best one to choose. I've heard that some company's will give you some type of discount if you have more than one dog. I've also heard that some pet insurance company's only cover a few things for a high price.

Just need someone to point me in the right direction.


A. Here are the important factors you need to consider when looking for pet insurance:

A) What medical conditions are covered?

The pet insurance plan you select should cover both accidents and illness.

The illness part of the coverage must include: (these are common ailments in veterinary

1) Coverage for Cancer

3) Coverage for Chronic Disease
Chronic diseases are illnesses that have long duration and generally slow progression. Chronic diseases are usually not curable. Examples include: cancer, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and chronic liver disease.

3) Continual Coverage for Chronic Disease
If you do not get this coverage, the chronic disease will only be covered in the policy year it was diagnosed, after that, you will have to pay for any continuing medications or diagnostic monitoring yourself. Treatment for most Chronic diseases will last beyond the first year of diagnosis.

4) Coverage for Hereditary & Congenital Diseases

5) Coverage for Diseases that are Common to your Pet's Breed

B) What medical conditions are excluded. Read the company's terms and conditions very closely as there can be some very surprising exclusions?

C) What is the maximum payout limit structure, amount and limits. The maximum payout limit is the maximum amount the insurance company will reimburse you. This payout limit can be annually, lifetime or for each incident. You want the maximum payout limit you pick to be able to cover the "worst case scenario costs" for your geographic location.

You also want to make sure that there are no monetary limits on the 5 illness components discussed above. Some companies will put a limit on the amount of your maximum payout you can receive for chronic conditions, hereditary/congenital diseases, etc. These limits are usually not enough to cover most conditions in geographic locations with medium to high "worst case scenario costs".

A three great places to do your research are :

1) - a list of customer reviews
2) - a site I created that compares the pros and cons of each company and discusses the information above in more detail.
3) - a site created by another vet who is also committed to helping pet owners make educated decisions regarding pet insurance.

I hope this helps you.

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How to train your dog to stop biting other dogs?

Q. My 1 yr old Chihuahua is very fearful of other dogs and will snap at them if they get close. She barks and growls a ton when it comes to dogs. But with humans its another thing; she is very submissive to humans and licks/plays with humans. I'm so confused because its like a light switch when it comes to other dogs. When they approach her she snaps at them and runs. I need help or some tips on what I should do. I want to take her to dog parks and walk her more but its getting difficult. Thanks!

A. Chihuahuas are not known to be the calmest and easy going dogs as it is. They have what I call "the napoleon syndrome". They are tiny and they don't realize it and are naturally very nervous dogs. If he/she is biting other dogs its probably out of fear not aggression. Try her with dogs her size first and make sure they aren't young crazy hyper pups either. Being as tiny as he/she is,one day she's gonna snap at the wrong doggie and you'll find yourself standing there wondering "hey,where'd my dog go??" Goodluck.

How did you train your dog to be a Therapy Dog?
Q. Do any of you have a Therapy Dog? If so how did you train it? With a clicker or without? I am asking because I think my dog would make an excellent one; although he needs some more training.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your help everyone.

A. Once you have your basic obedience down, try for the CGC. Then after your dog is a year old, contact one of the therapy dog registries and see what additional qualifications they require.

Therapy Dogs International
Therapy Dogs Incorporated
The Delta Society

These are 3 of the premier registries for therapy dogs in the US.

How do you train your dog to do agility?
Q. Is it difficult?
It is a papillon. My friend wants to try agility since the dog is smart and athletic.

A. It's really to involved to get into here. What I would suggest is locating a good aglity class and you'll be looking for is a good Foundation or Beginner 1 class.

Make sure you and your friend sit in on a class and watch before joining. Make sure you like the way the instructor interacts with the student and the dog. The the people look like their having fun? How about the dogs? The jumps should be on the ground, A-Frame, dogwalks and see-saw should be at the lowest possible height.

Any dog can do agility, it's not breed specific.

You can find agility clubs thru these websites:

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How do I train my dog basic skills?

Q. I have an Alaskan Husky, and he's about 7 months old, but I have problems with him about staying put. I don't know how to train him because it seems hard to get him to pay attention. I've ran out of ways, and perhaps there are better techniques... please help!

A. Well, right now he's still a puppy, which means he'll be hyperactive and have a tough time paying attention. Still, if you're consistent, he should start picking up your commands after a while.

I like training by positive reinforcement. This means rewarding him for good behaviour. Be careful with punishment. Never whack your dog, especially with your hand, or he will become afraid of your hands.

It looks like you're training your dog to stay. I trained my dogs by keeping a treat in my hand, commanding the dog to stay and then moving away. Once I called her, she was allowed to come. If she came early, she didn't get the treat. If she waited until I called her, she got a treat.

What are the basic commands for training a dog, in French?
Q. What are these commands in French?


anything else you may think is relevent
Best answerer gets 10 points.
Thank you!

A. come= Vien(vee-en) or ici (ee-see)
sit = Assis (a-see)
Stay= Reste (rest-e)
Heel= Rester au pied (res-tay o Pee-ay)
hope that helps a little!

How to train my dog basic tricks?
Q. Shes a 1 yr and almost 2month old shih tzu girl. Shes fixed.

When we got her all we taught her was sit, come, stay (still needs a bit of work) and we potty trained her.

Heres what i want to teach her:
Lie down

How can i teach her these at her age? (she is kinda stubborn too, as most shih tzus are) The summer is here so this is the time im gonna train her some more. Btw i do have treats.

A. if you want her to lay, she has to be able to sit (which she can)
you have her sit, then put a treat by her, when she's interested, lure it away from her, while having your had on her back so she doesn't get up. then she'll go into a laying position.

when you've got lay down, you can teach roll over. to have her do that you want her to lay down, then lure the treat in one way and she'll follow it with her nose.

shake is easy. you just pick up his paw and say shake, every once in a while, and she'll get the idea, you don't need treats for that. i don't know how to get them to stop though!

also, you can teach her to jump through a hula hoop by having her walk through it luring her with a treat , then eventually pick it up off the ground more. don't get frusterated, it takes a while for them to do that!

hope this helps!

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What is the safest, all-natural, biodegradeable, flushable cat litter?

Q. I'm adopting a kitten this weekend, so i went and bought all my cat supplies tonight and was looking for the safest, all natural, bio/earth friendly, flushable litter i could find, and i found Swheat Scoop Cat litter. When I got home, I googled it, and stumbled upon some reviews on it... they were very mixed... some people said it was great, some said it was awful and recommended "Worlds Best Cat Litter"

So let me know what you think/recommend.

A. I really like World's Best Cat Litter.

However, depending on the area where you live, you have to be careful about flushing cat litter. Recently, Worlds Best Cat Litter (always advertised as flushable) has sent out releases to businesses that carry it (at least in California) that it SHOULD NOT be flushed anymore. Sea Lions and other sea life off the coast are becoming affected with feline parasites and spreading them around.

The oceanlife are not able to handle some parasites, and it is becoming a very big problem. So, I would not advise you to flush any pet waste if you live near any coastlines....

Can cats have an allergic reaction to natural litter? ?
Q. I switched my cats litter to a natural litter. It's supposed to be better for the cat and eliminate odor better. It did get rid of the smell but my cat has been licking her legs like crazy. I didn't think this natural alternative would cause that but it's the only thing I can figure.

I gave her a bath, checked for fleas, she's clean. Her food is the same and I don't think there are any other new stressors in the home.

A. The fact that something is 'natural' doesn't mean it can't provoke an allergic reaction. Since that is the only thing that has changed, then I would go back to her old litter, or try a different one.

What (brand) cat litter has 100% natural clay?
Q. Cat owners! I need your help real quick, can you go see your kitty litter and see if your kitty litter has no ingredient BUT only 100& natural clay. i don't want any other ingredients such as oils, baking soda, or any other things they put into it. thank you so much =)

pps. i dont own a cat but i need the litter for other purposes.

A. PETCO Fresh Scent Clay Cat Litter or Johnny Cat Formula.

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Why does my cat groom itself after I pet it?

Q. Have a pet formerly stray cat whenever I pet behind its ears, upper back or its forearms as soon as I move away it begins grooming/licking as if I've just soiled it with dirty human germs. Why?

A. There are a couple of theories about this. They're opposing theories: either your cat wants to get rid of your smell, or your cat wants to taste your scent because he's enjoying your company. Either way, it's normal behaviour for a cat. One of mine does it and the other one doesn't. Some cats do it in combination with biting. I've attached a link to an interesting page on it.

Why does my cat groom himself after I pet him while he's sleeping?
Q. I pet my cat while he's sleeping because he's so cute and soft!

He always wakes up and starts grooming himself immediately after, though.


A. Vanity......

My cats hair seems to hurt her when you pet her back, I have tried cleaning and grooming, she is in discomfort
Q. she originally started biting/nibling if you scratched her back, seemed okay but strange, now she actually will turn and bite, I have kids who like petting the cat but are afraid of her. occasionally she has dandriff, but my other cat does not, she is healthy.

A. I have a cat who does not like to be petted on the back. It might just be a personal preference of your cat. Mine will do the same thing. Try to just pet him on the head.

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What (brand) cat litter has 100% natural clay?

Q. Cat owners! I need your help real quick, can you go see your kitty litter and see if your kitty litter has no ingredient BUT only 100& natural clay. i don't want any other ingredients such as oils, baking soda, or any other things they put into it. thank you so much =)

pps. i dont own a cat but i need the litter for other purposes.

A. PETCO Fresh Scent Clay Cat Litter or Johnny Cat Formula.

Do cats have to be trained to use a litter box or is it natural for them to just use it ?

A. It's natural for cats to use some kind of "movable material" for their bathrooms; however, this can mean just about anything - piles of dirty clothes, the dirt in flower pots..

That's why the litter box should be made available to them from almost the time they're born, so they develop the sense that the litter box is the ONLY place to do their business.

What kind of food and litter does your cat use? My kitty uses fresh step and eats purina cat chow Naturals.?

A. My cat loves felix pouches and won't touch cheap kitty food and he has a small amount of dry food out for him to nibble at once he has eaten his breakfast.

As for kitty litter we usually buy the pets at home 30ltr bag of wood pellets he has been using this litter since his was born and being our first cat we want to do things right and haven't changed it (the type not he actual litter in his tray!)

Who's been giving me thumbs down I'm only saying what I give my cat.

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Shopping for Cat Supplies

By Alexander Sutton

When you are in the market for kitty supplies, try purchasing on line just before you go elsewhere. Numerous cute cat supplies are sold online, plus the proceeds advantage charities for animals. Look for web pages that promote humane societies and no kill shelters. See what kind of perform the organization does. Then, should you come across some thing kitty desires, you could buy it from them feeling fantastic that you happen to be also helping other animals simultaneously.

Lots of occasions a regional shelter will give products which are either handmade by cat lovers or they are donated from stores. The proceeds visit enable feral cats or cats that have been left with out a home. You may come across organizations on-line that happen to be completely volunteer staffed. You know the merchandise go toward producing their feline pals a lot more comfy. So if it is a toss-up in between a big box mega mart or the local cat shelter, purchase from the place where your revenue will do one of the most fantastic.

When you're online checking out the darling cat supplies, take a look at an agency's adoption page. You may just end up getting a companion for your own special kitty. Since the internet is updated frequently, you'll find that the adoption information is usually up to date. The organization will remove the animal's photo and information as soon as he has been adopted.

Usually cats and dogs get adopted exactly the same day as they may be posted, so examine back generally and see when you might help out. Another fantastic point about purchasing on line for your cat's wants is that the choice enables you to evaluate prices. If three firms are providing a specific kitty shelter, examine them all out to view which a single has the lowest price tag. Do not forget to calculate shipping into the value also. With so much competitors on the web, corporations have to compete for the dollar. Make sure to check more than 1 web-site.

If that seems like an excessive amount of function, web sites like will do the legwork for youyou personally. You sort in search terms like "a litter box hideaway" and they'll return a list of all the companies who sell the item and provide you with the rates so it is possible to evaluate for the most beneficial deal. Your cat is a member of the familyfamily. So, naturally, you'd like only the best for the small princess. Shop around and be choosy. There is no shortage of entertaining toys and special cat items to pick from within the marketplace.

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How to get a dog to stop barking

By Jerry Welsh

Dog owners have to face many canine behavior problems. While chewing and house soiling can be very annoying, these concerns would only affect the dog owner. Excessive barking would be a more difficult concern as it can affect the neighbors too. The dog's excessive barking will disturb the owners as we well as the neighbors. Excessive barking is a more annoying canine problem as it would affect not only the dog owners but other people as well. The excessive barking of a dog becomes a more serious concern as many dog owners live close to each other in condos and in apartments

Barking is a natural dog behavior that is not always considered a problem. Barking is the dog's way of communicating with humans and animals. The dog's vocalization serves as a signal that warns the owners to possible territorial intrusion thus some dogs are actually valued for their propensity to bark. Barking becomes a people problem when it becomes excessive. Managing this particular concern is very difficult.

Excessive barking is one of the reasons why dogs are abandoned. Excessive barking though can be stopped. Dogs bark but these animals don't bark simply to hear their voice. Barking can be due to boredom and fear or excitement. To get the dog to stop barking, an owner has to know what causes the pet to bark.

Dogs bark if they are bored and lonely. Bored dogs bark a lot thus, to stop the dog from barking it would be a good idea to leave interesting toys that will keep the dog busy. Make sure that the dog is provided with plenty of physical and mental exercises to lessen the pent up energies that would trigger excessive barking. Did you know that you can address this concern by actually teaching the dog to bark? Teaching the dog to bark only when a command is given will desensitize the dog to the other stimulus that sets off excessive barking and more importantly, the training will sharpen the dog's natural instinct to bark when there is a potential danger. A soda can filled with coins as well as spray bottles are effective tools that can get a dog to stop barking.

Dog training collars that are designed to stop the dog from barking and ultrasonic devices that emit a high pitched sound are high tech devices used to prevent a dog from barking excessively. Excessive barking can be the dog's way to gain attention. Devote some time to interact with the dog and see if you can cure the pet's disruptive behavior.

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Stop Barking at Night

By Colin Seal

Have you ever experienced this situation? You are in the middle of a relaxed rest and suddenly your dog starts barking squarely in the middle of the night. How you wish you had a bark collar . At any rate, it is your job to stop this aggravating act. Or else, you may spend a restless night.

Your neighbours may also be the subject of this ordeal. Worse, you finish up battling with folks who will surely raise beefs against you. You might even finish up being charged in court and paying large fines.

Barking Problems

Barking Problems usually begin during the first 6 to 8 months of the dog's life. The barking during this period is more about the fear of the dog and its sense of the necessity for protection. This issue is further irritated by the limited socialization of the dog. The dog is more predisposed to over the top barking so you want bark collars and training.

The positive experiences and beefing up of your dog's confidence can have a very strong effect on their levels of barking. Remember that in any case if it is an older dog or pup, it's important to understand that barking based on problems or fear can't be braced by your reaction to this. Beefing up also comes in when your dog demonstrates uncomfortable behaviour.

Reduce Barking Spells

You can't really stop dogs yapping even with the bark collars. However , you can decrease those annoying barking. It is the dog's way of telling its master about the presence of a burglar in the house. It is the animal's way of venting out its annoyances or solitude. So , it is just right and it cannot be avoided if the dog barks anytime it wants.However, it is possible to control too much dog barking through incessant conditioning to get rid of this upsetting noise. This can be done with the help of the dog collars. Besides , you enhance your relations both with the people living in the area. This is your role you must achieve for the welfare of homo sapiens and animals.

This is achieved if you will give weight to the dogs barking. Learn the reasons for this behaviour. Before you can forestall too much barking, it's really important to size up the situation so you can define the most highly efficient solution to this predicament. Then, you can go on with any suitable training program and use the most useful anti-barking device.

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Teaching the dog to come when called

By Jerry Welsh

Obedience training can improve the ties between man and dog. Basic obedience lessons develop the dog into good canine citizens. The pet's ability to do tricks will surely make a dog owner very proud. Obedience training is one way of controlling a dog's behavior. We love dogs but there are times when these affectionate animals would manifest a stubborn behavior and only the training to come when called can save the pet from a life threatening situation. The reason why many dogs were not saved from potentially dangerous situations is because the dogs were not trained to come when called.

Teaching the dog to come when called is especially important for dogs that are kept on a leash or in a crate. Dogs are energetic animals that would love nothing more than to jump run and play. A dog that was able to break free from the leash would be in dogs' 7th heaven. The dog would surely be very hard to catch especially if it was not trained to obey the come command. Dogs have been injured and worst killed because of this kind of situation.

Teaching the dog to come when called will be easy as dogs already have the tendency to be the shadow of their masters. Dogs are in fact called Velcro animals. However, aside from being hunters, dogs are also very curious animals. The dog will be torn between following an interesting scent and obeying the recall command of the master. Usually, the dog will follow the interesting scent.

Training the dog to come when called must be started when the dog is still a puppy. The owner has to get the dog's full concentration during the training thus a place that is free from distraction must be chosen. Stand a short distance away from the dog and give the come command.

Expect the dog not to come during your first try thus arm yourself with a toy or a treat to encourage the dog to follow the command. Reward the dog with a praise, a hug or a treat when the pet comes to you after you gave the command. Five to ten minute training sessions repeated several times a day are more effective as short sessions will not bore the dog. A dog that is well trained will come even if the command is issued from another room.

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Home Freshwater Aquarium - Why You Need One or More

By Colin Barton

Just about everyone has gazed into an aquarium, whether at the house of a friend, a party, a restaurant, hospital waiting rooms or even a local business trying to make a good impression. Many individuals and families enjoy keeping home freshwater aquariums. You can find aquariums just about everywhere.

The word 'aquarium' actually comes from the Latin words 'Aqua' meaning water (Shocked? Yeah, neither are we) and 'rium' meaning place or building. Basically, it's a water building!

Aquarium History

The modern form of aquariums developed in the 1850's, but modern things have a way of echoing historical pieces. Even the Sumerians had a way of keeping their fish - they had ponds to keep wild fish in until they were made into dinner.

The history of Koi fish and Goldfish keeping is long and detailed, since they were being bred in China more than 2,000 years ago. During the Song dynasty, goldfish were kept in large decorative ceramic bowls. Today many people use these goldfish bowls as containers for their gardening projects, without realizing their original purpose of keeping fish.

There are ancient Egyptian pictures of fish kept in aquariums that were rectangular temple pools. This is something that is uniquely different and very interesting.

After WWI in the mid to late 1800s, keeping fish as a hobby became very popular. Sure, there were museum aquariums; however with the advancement of modern lighting and filtration, many individuals and families began keeping fish in their homes.

As fish keeping began to take even more root in modern culture, companies rushed to come up with unique and interesting things to put into tanks, as well as searching for more efficient ways to keep fish healthy, and their water clean.

This is the main reason that we have so many options for us when it comes to aquariums. You can choose from thousands of different things to really make your set up unique, interesting, and yes, even fun.

Big Ol' Aquarium

One of the most impressive aquariums isn't in the US, but in Japan - the Osaka aquarium holds 5,400 cubic meters of volume, and it actually contains over 580 species!

Are there actually any real benefits of having a home freshwater aquarium?

Studies of since the 80s show that keeping fish in a freshwater aquarium provides owners and visitors improvements in relaxation and health improvement.

For instance, there is a noted drop in high blood pressure in seniors who keep fish tanks. Aquariums are useful for calming hyperactive children, while watching the fish in a tank of water. This is only the icing on the cake so to speak.

Studies show a reduction in the need of pain medications for dental patients who have been watching fish in the waiting rooms. Accordingly, nicely decorated tanks do not compare to the significant difference made by real fish in tanks.

This is not surprising, since colorful fish in unique designs of tanks are common and welcome sights in hospital wings for children, waiting rooms, entrance areas and offices of doctors.

Studies have been done that also show that Alzheimer's patients react extremely well to an aquarium being in the dining area. They eat more, need less supplements, and even are less aggressive.

Interestingly, even viewing a video recording of fish is relaxing.

There are various benefits of keeping home freshwater aquariums, whether you choose large or small tanks. You may even want more than one for your home, since fish make such wonderful pets and gift ideas for those who love fish.

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Reasons why dogs eat leaves

By Jerry Welsh

Mealtimes can be the most important part in a dog's existence as these food motivated animals are voracious eaters. For dogs that are left alone most of the time, the arrival of the master with a bowl of kibble can be the highlight of their daily existence. Dogs in the wild use up most if their time in finding food. In the wild, dogs would not know when a prey will be found so that when there is food, these animals will eat until the stomach would almost burst. Dogs are mainly carnivorous but these adaptable animals can eat anything when prey is not available. To survive, dogs would make do with roots, berries, fruits and leaves.

The activity of hunting for food is no longer needed by modern day dogs. Dogs never go hungry as they are regularly provided with nutritious food by their owners. The habit of dogs to eat non-food items has continuously puzzled owners. It seems that dogs really need to supplement their diet with stones, barks, cloth and poop. A dog's tendency to eat leaves would be much better than eating poop and rotting animals.

Dogs that eat leaves are believed to be correcting a dietary imbalance. Dogs are noted to have a high level of intelligence, these animals also have the ability to know if something is amiss with their system. Dog owners that want to scrimp would feed the dog low quality foods that mostly contain cereal fillers, thus to fill up the diet's nutrient deficiency a dog would eat leaves.

We are aware of the dog's big appetite. Dogs are noted to have a curious personality. This curious nature often results to ingestion of non-edible objects. Due to the big appetites dogs would eat even spoiled food. Should we be surprised if our pets get stomach upsets every now and then? Nature is truly amazing as it has given these animals the capability to deal with a recurring health concern. Dogs only have to eat leaves to induce the expulsion of foreign and toxic substances from the stomach. Dogs wanting to attract attention would eat leaves. Owners would curb the leaf-eating habit by reprimanding the pet. Reprimands though and even punishment would be better than being ignored.

The habit to eat leaves is not really dangerous as long as what was eaten are not poisonous. To keep the pet safe, the owner has to find ways to curb the dog's inclination to eat leaves.

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Cat Towers And A Few Facts That You Must Know About Them

By Robert Baker

Those of the feline persuasion enjoy a good romp on their cat towers. Especially when there is a place where they can slink into and hide. From that hiding place they have the opportunity to play one of their favorite games. It is called ambush and can be perpetrated on any unsuspecting member of the household be it of the two or four-legged variety.

An additional use for a tower that a feline enjoys is to park themselves on the pinnacle of the structure and look upon what they consider to be their own personal domain. This leads them to decide that what they see is barely worth their notice or just their own personal toys when they feel up to playing with them.

From time to time there is another use for a tower that a feline may take advantage of from time to time. It is the indisputable fact that it is an ideal instrument to practice their scratching on. Thus allowing the animal in question to claw and stretch to their hearts content. An added bonus to that fact is that the furniture is spared being shredded and ripped.

Deciding on one style out of the many towers for cats that are available out in the marketplace can prove to be a bit of a challenge. What can help is to decide on which design will be safest for one's special feline. Thus a little research is in order into the particulars of what one's pets will enjoy.

Going through a catalog, online outlet, or actual pet store is how one can actually complete the act of purchase once one decision has been finalized. This will give one an opportunity to see and in some instances feel what it is that they will be buying.

To a feline a perch that they can call their own are what cat towers are for. It will allow them to display their seemingly regal nature while giving them an opportunity to watch the events around them while seemingly uninvolved.

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Tips For Visiting Bulldog Puppy Breeders

By Chloe Gib

Bulldog puppy breeders are experts when it comes to these dogs. They are the best ones to help you choose the finest pup or stud service. Their helpful hints and tips come in handy when it is time to bring a new furry family member into your home or when it is time to find your dog a mate.

Happy, healthy looking animals. Take the time to see the mom and the father too if he is available. They should appear well cared for and healthy. The pups should all be curious, alert and playful. They should allow you to hold them and should interact and play with their litter mates.

Cleanliness. While some mess is unavoidable, the area should be well kept, neat and without any unpleasant odors. If the space seems filthy, it is a good idea to go elsewhere. This could be an indication that your potential pet may have not have gotten the best start in life. If one does not have the time or desire to clean up, who knows what other care they may have skimped on.

Play. Take a little time to play with the litter. Look for an animal that likes to be pet and held, yet also runs and plays. A healthy, well adjusted animal will be curious, alert and playful with both you and its litter mates.

Getting a new pup to bring home is only one reason why you may be visiting. The other may be because you are looking for a Bulldog stud service. If you have a female that you would like to breed, choosing the best stud is extremely important. As every good breeder knows, bettering the breed is the only reason to mate two dogs.

No matter which service you are visiting about, be sure that a contract is drawn up. If you will be buying ask about a health guarantee. If one is given make sure it is written in the contract. For stud service if no pups are produced, ask about a second visit being written into the contract.

Reputable bulldog puppy breeders are concerned with bettering the breed. This means that they only mate the finest dogs to produce exceptional puppies. They also only offer the finest studs to sire a litter.

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The Benefits Of Natural Dog Treats

By Chloe Gib

Many people are very careful when it comes to do food that they eat. This, however, is not only applicable to humans. This is something that you should if you have dogs. As their owner, you have to pay attention to the kind of food you give them. Many owners nowadays are beginning to see the benefits of giving natural dog treats to their dogs.

Pet owners should always remember that not every pet food they will find will do a lot of goods to their pets. There are many pet foods these days that contain ingredients that cause obesity. Dogs should never be obese because it makes them prone to diseases and shortens their lifespan.

Food that you can call the best dog treats are products that have lesser fat, lesser calories, and do not contain too much additives. Owners have to be careful about the amount of treats they will give their dogs especially if they are small. It should also not be given as if it is a meal.

Responsible owners these days would do whatever they can just to make sure their dogs will have all natural dog treats. This kind of food is the best kind of snack or reward to give because they are organic. This means that they are organic or free from any herbicides, steroids, antibiotics, and other harmful chemicals.

You can now find products these days that were made by manufacturers who are aware of the need to produce pet food that is very safe for dogs. They have meat bites, beef tendons, and bully sticks made from animals that are free range. You can also buy jerky, chews, and biscuits that are low fat.

Now that many of these products are already in the market, make sure to always check the label before buying anything. Be more educated about the ingredients that you should avoid. This way you will be more careful when choosing food that you will give to the dogs that you love so much.

It is also possible for owners for owners to create a treat inside of buying one. The good thing about this is that you have more control of what your pet will be eating. Vegetables like carrots and celery are good ingredients since dogs loves anything crunchy. Ingredients to avoid are grapes, raisins, garlic, and onion.

Feeding your dogs natural dog treats helps ensure that they stay healthy. This is one way that you can invest on your dog's health. This will make sure that your fur babies will always stay happy and healthy.

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How Do You Approach The Cat Scratching Everything

By Robert Baker

A cat scratching can be an annoying thing to endure. The animal might be doing this to itself or worse shredding the furniture. Worst still it may have taken to mauling some poor innocent person.

If it is itching itself then something will be causing the irritation. Most probably it could be a signal that a flea or fleas are present in the animals coat and are feasting on its blood. It is not the bite that tends to cause the itch but the flea saliva which can make the wound take an age to heal.

It may be an environmental thing like a shrub in the garden where to animal plays that causes the irritation. Cats like humans can have weakness to certain plants or pollens. It could be that the cat is hungry or bored and just scratching itself for attention or to disperse nervous energy.

Furniture shredders can often cause immediate reaction for their owners and this can be of some detriment to the animal. They could be swiftly ejected from the room or house where there is always the potential to collide with stationary objects as they fly through the air.

Some people train their cat to use a special carpet covered post to vent their frustrations. Failing this a strong signal needs to be sent to the miscreant which is usually a rapid ejection through an open door to the outside.

With regard to a cat scratching human situation. We have all met that placid feline who loves being stroked rolls over for a tummy tickle and then proceeds to shed the ticklers naked hand with all four paws. All that can be advised for these critters is that they be identified at an early stage and approached with extreme caution. If you don't know the cat and the tickle the tummy maneuver is undertaken then it may be safer to decline the invitation.

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Cat Connection Creates Hand Crafted Furniture For Your Pets

By Robert Baker

If you want something special for a furry friend, Cat Connection offers some products that are worth checking out. They're high quality pieces of furniture that are crafted by hand for the benefit of your pets. This company has been doing so for more than 25 years.

The furniture is made to give your cats places to sharpen their claws, to sleep and to play. It's a known fact that cats must scratch and, if not given a place they want to use for this, they'll use your furniture and your carpets. This is going to make life stressful for you and them.

Each of their pieces are made by hand from high quality sisal rope, carpet and wood. Attention is paid to these details so that the furniture is better looking will last for a long time. They're made to put up with years of both scratching and being jumped on constantly.

These kitty products come in a variety of sizes and styles so you can choose what makes the most sense for your needs. For example, if you have more than one kitty at home, you should think about purchasing a larger one that has more than single place to sleep. These products can include posts, perches, tunnels and more. They also offer basic scratching posts as well.

If you have older cats or ones who are infirm, you can choose a piece of furniture that is low to the ground. If your cats are quite large, you will need to take that into account as well. Cats can be very particular but all of them have the instinct to sharpen their claws so these products are likely to make them happy at that level, even if they aren't the type to enjoy hiding in tunnels.

Cat Connection has everything available from basic posts to towers that are complex so that the needs of any kitty household can be met. Pieces can be ordered that come ready to assemble so they can be shipped wherever you are. By avoiding the middleman, you are given the opportunity to purchase a high quality product for a lot less than you could find it in a retail store.

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Brilliant Features Of Cat Poles

By Robert Baker

The natural instinct of cats is towards climbing, and it could be furniture or trees and even you. This regular urge of climbing led to the creation of cat poles. This quenches their desire of climbing and prevents the furniture from damage. This device is completely safe for the kitties and the furniture as well.

They come in a variety of styles and sizes. Many versions include multiple poles that have proven to be more appealing to cats. Kitties can choose the ones they like to climb, or use them for scratching or just lay in between and relax. However, one should understand the pet and choose the most suitable one accordingly.

The most common model available is the vertical pole. The design is generally a simple solid base with cylindrical rod. The posts are covered with a soft fabric that allows your kitty to sharpen the claws. Many times the scratching pad is supported by the rod that enables cats to climb up comfortably.

Many posts are constructed in an inclined way. This is the most suitable design for older pets as these need minimum effort in scratching as well as sharpening. Usually, there is no perch on the top. One can even hang a toy from the top for the cat to play.

The horizontal posts are very stable and are greatly convenient. The low level makes it quite interesting. They need less room and are suitable for apartments and small houses. Another material readily used for them is durable wood, for instance, cedar. It can withstand repetitive scratching, and the sturdy base gives stability.

Having cat poles at home has many benefits. It helps in keeping your home safe and secure. When you provide the kitties with their place to climb and scratch, they will not spoil the furniture. One of the most desirable material for them is sisal rope.

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Homemade Dog Treats Recipes for Small Dogs

I found a lot of homemade dog treats recipes online, chosen one, medicine out the flour, Candida, eggs, molasses, peanut butter, product cheese, oats and other things was contained in that revolting mess. It absolutely was way too much with regard to my kitchen-aid and so I mixed manually. And blended, and combined. Finally the particular instructions mentioned, knead regarding 10 to 15 min's.

Say just what? I pondered how the puppies would experience raw deal with dough. Personal homemade dog treats recipes were growing to be quite labor-intensive! Quarter-hour later the particular dough has been sufficiently kneaded. Following an hour crack I returned to a growing rapidly mound associated with dough around the cutting panel. After toning down the chaos I shaped it directly into small loaves as well as baked this. The homemade dog treats recipes thought to roll the actual stuff out there flat and make use of a dog bone tissue shaped blameless, to make 20 000 small dessert treats. Sure right, good small loaves resolved much better, apart from I was clean out of the canine bone designed cookie blades.

Personal  Homemade Dog Treats Recipes

When the ultimate product finally came out of fresh from the oven, every one of the dogs acquired long vanished. I looked over the loaves, seemed fine if you ask me. After the loaves cooled down I reduce some pieces off to supply the dogs. 3 of them flipped their noses upward, one rejected to awaken. Now I am aware why my personal mother grew to become martyr. I stated fine, covered the loaves within aluminum foil and froze all of them, for one evening they would undoubtedly emerge from the particular freezer to be able to hungry, grateful dogs.

I invested a short time considering dogs as well as their rude habits. Wondered should they have virtually any shame, when they ever sensed guilt or even humility. These folks were in the kitchen viewing me servant over their particular dog goodies, following homemade dog treats recipes obtained online, only to snub my personal efforts since useless and perhaps an offend to them professionally. I have to maintain reminding personally those are usually human thoughts, dogs don't have any such thoughts. Ok, possibly Lassie did, either that or even she (this individual) was a perfectly trained puppy, something else we have been lacking the following.

Dogs, the actual gimp critters around the globe, appreciate do-it-yourself dog snacks?

How about fat possibility? I had merely defrosted two loaves associated with my satisfaction and pleasure, my men Great Dane, Gunner, banded in the kitchen questioning where all of the food had been, I stop a piece and also gave that to him or her. At first he or she spit out on the floor, next sniffed it, chosen it up, after that spit it again.

Get into our Maine Coon Kitty, who instantly scooped up the declined treat as well as ate this.
What? Then your dog had been very thinking about what the feline had merely eaten. Sensation braver right now having one or more fan regarding my food preparation, I provided Gunner another item, he looked over the cat, checked out me, after that ate this. Soon after all dogs had been in the kitchen wondering what Gunner acquired just ingested. Finally, my own pride had been returning. Ultimately all of the loaves regarding treats had been gone. Subsequent trip to a shop I contentedly purchased several store canine treats.

If you choose to cook for the dogs, bless the heart. Today knowing what your new puppy treat producers have to go by means of they have my personal undying value and those goodies are worth each and every penny for anyone coveted morsels. So it's very good to make homemade dog treats recipes personally for your pets.

Australian Shepherd Training Tips for Happy and Healthy Pet

Learn all about Australian Shepherd training and breed information. Aussies are a fantastic dog breed but they are not for everyone.

Training your pet dog is a vital part of providing a good and happy home for him. Additionally, it makes for a happier owner since the dog is not only happy but healthy as well. This article can guide you discover the various strategies on how to provide your furry companion with Australian Shepherd training.

Australian shepherd training tips

Socialization is a vital component of dog training. It's a good option to bring your pup out to many places if possible as he is growing up and throughout his lifetime. Use positive reinforcement when introducing your pet dog to new people or place. When guests turn up, ask them to feed the dog a special treat. It's also effective when meeting people in strange environments. When there's no young kid or older adult living in your house, it's a good idea to introduce your four-legged companion to these types of people. By introducing them in a controlled situation, you can train your pet the best way to behave around such people if they happen to be together in one place. Through this, your dog will soon associate meeting new people with enjoyable encounters.

Learn How to Make Australian Shepherd Happy

Training your four-legged pet to get used to being handled by people is vital to their socialization. Start by making certain that the dog lets you handle him with no protest. Run your hands down the dog's legs and under his belly, pull lightly at his ears and open his mouth. Doing so regularly will make it easier for professionals like veterinarians and groomers to deal with your precious dog when the need arise.

An excellent Australian Shepherd training tip is to make certain your canine companion gets a little bit of exercise every day. Exercise is not only good for your dog's health; it also keeps them social with other people and other dogs. Taking your dog for a daily walk is the key for socialization.

Your dog's diet is also an essential part of training. Feed your canine friend with high quality food twice per day (or number of times your veterinarian suggests) and then take the food away after 15 minutes. Creating a feeding schedule does not only prevent obesity but also makes potty training less complicated for you and your canine pet. When giving treats, ask your pet to sit or lay down, so he understands that treats must be earned. When your canine companion recognizes that you are the food provider and treats are not simply free, he will see you as the leader.

Consider to share it with your friends, if you like this Australian Shepherd Training Tips.

How to remove doggie odor

By Jerry Welsh

Dog owners will be exposed to the less than appealing smell of the dog. Dog owners exposed to the unique smell of the dog would know that there is a reason for the somewhat derogatory "you smell like a dog" phrase. A pet owner has to live with the one of a kind smell that is used by the dog to identify each other as this kind of smell cannot be removed. Pet owners are often heard complaining about the smell of the dog. With all the benefits you get from being a dog owner do you really think it is just to complain about the unpleasant odor of the pet?

Man loves dogs as these animals have provided their owners with affection and loyalty. A pet dog can listen to your troubles and would provide you with unconditional love. Would you still want to cuddle and kiss a pet if the unpleasant smell will linger in your clothes? Don't you worry, there are simple ways by which you can change the unpleasant smell of the dog.

Filthy dogs are expected to have repulsive smells. Being a dog owner you would know that the pet enjoys rolling in rotting animals, swimming in stagnant water and raiding trash cans to eat spoiled food. A very dirty and smelly dog would need to be bathed to remove the stench. Use warm water and shampoos specially formulated for pets.

Thorough rinsing and drying is important. A coat that is allowed to stay damp would be a rich breeding ground for bad smell-causing bacteria. Dog experts do not recommend too frequent bathing as it removes the natural oils and dries up the skin of the dog. In between bathing, you can use dog powder to freshen the smell of the dog.

Dogs have the tendency to wander and to roll on anything so that rotting frogs or dried up feces of other animals can get stuck to the fur and be the cause for the dog's repulsive smell. Regular grooming is one good way of removing dog odor. Brush the coat regularly and trim the hair on the dog's anal area. The dog odor can be associated with medical reasons that is outside the dog owner's ability to control. Ear infections, bad breath, impacted anal glands and skin infections can be the reasons why the dog is stinky.

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How to clean dog urine

By Jerry Welsh

Potty training is not the responsibility of the breeder thus a new dog owner has to train the dog as soon as it was taken home. A pet owner must be ready to deal with the mess created by the dog as even well trained pets would still have accidents inside the house every now and then.

Any pet owner would be pissed if the pet that is already on the easy to clean tiled floor would still move to the carpet to do its smelly business. Can the dog have a grudge to settle and it is punishing the owner by making a mess on the carpet instead of on the easy to clean tiled floor? The dogs urine must be cleaned immediately not only because of the stain it will create but also to prevent the horrible smell from filling the house.

The spot soiled by the dog's urine must be cleaned not only because of the unsightly stains but also because dogs have the tendency to eliminate on the spot that has the smell of their excrements. Dogs have sensitive noses and they will be lured by the smell of their poop and pee to soil the same spot again.

Tiled floors are easier to clean as you simply need to blot the urine with old towels and use an equal measure of vinegar and water to clean the spot. Cleaning fresh urine will be easier as the puddle of urine that is not yet absorbed by the carpet can be soaked by using old towels. Towels are absorbent but you can help soak the urine by stepping on the folded towel to apply pressure. Replace the soaked towel with another and when urine is fully absorbed, you can sprinkle baking soda on the soiled spot to remove the horrible smell of the dog's urine.

Removing dog urine from rugs and carpets would be a little tricky especially if the dog has peed for quite a while and the evidence of the pet's misdeed is the horrible smell and the damp mark. If the urine has already dried and all you see on the carpet is the stain, you need pour about half a cup of vinegar and water mixture to the stain. Let the mixture set in for about five minutes and then use a folded towel to soak the liquid. After the urine is thoroughly soaked deodorize the stained spot by generously sprinkling baking soda. Run the vacuum cleaner over the soiled spot to remove any leftovers.

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Cat Care And What You Should Know

When given the proper cat care, your new pet friend could live up to Two decades. For that reason, the choice to adopt the cat should not be obtained lightly. It's also important to select the right pet, the one which will squeeze into your family and live in a harmonious relationship with some other pets an individual already personal.

Many people don't understand the number of issues that they should take into account when choosing a pet. For example, you need to decide if you would like to adopt any kitten or a adult animal. There are numerous breeds for sale in many colours and habits, some using short plus some with extended hair. You'll need to select from a female and male.

With some investigation, it is possible to find that the pet a person thought you wished will not be a great fit in your property after all. For example, if you have a nice home and need a quiet puppy that will stick with himself any Siamese is the drastically wrong breed for you personally. If you do not use a lot of more time, a long haired Local will be a undesirable mix as a result of amount of time it should take for proper grooming.

Most people enjoy kittens and their sweet, cuddly encounters. Although cute, kittens are not for anyone. They are quite rambunctious and rise on practically everything. They need a lot of time as well as attention. Kittens may also need regimen veterinarian maintain their pictures.

If you want a purebred puppy, a cat breeder is normally a great choice. If you do not desire a purebred animal, pet shelters are a good choice. Shelters in addition allow you to preserve the pets life.

Several shelters requires an usage fee. Should you not feel that you can pay for these costs, you can tend to adopt any stray from a neighborhood. It is very important keep in mind that a new stray requires a trip to the veterinarian. Strays should receive routine shots, worming and possible altering as part of their cat care needs.

Maintaining Your Cat's Health When Holidays

Maintaining your pet secure and well being whatsoever occasions ought to be certainly one of your significant issues, and this could be much more challenging across the holidays. You will find numerous unique concerns you have to make for the cat across the holidays. Your vet can provide you with much more particular directions, but listed here are only a couple of from the issues you'll need to think about.

Holidays aren't festive with no small decorating, and this consists of, in lots of instances, the usage of flowers. When you have a cat inside your home, make certain that flowers are nicely from attain if they're toxic, remembering that cats can leap extremely higher. A few of the most well-liked flowers which are dangerous for your pet consist of bleeding hearts, calla lilies, poinsettias, daffodils, Easter lilies, irises, ivies, tulips (the bulb component), along with a quantity of other plants. Most cats won't go from their method to consume these issues, but to become around the secure side, make certain you employ them inside a secure way in your house or, much better however, go for faux variations rather. There are lots of types of plants that may harm your cat, so verify together with your vet to create certain prior to bringing new types of plants into your home.

The holidays also might deliver numerous visitors into your house for events and gatherings. This could be extremely scary for the cat, unless of course she or he is utilized to higher ranges of visitors. It is a great concept to help keep your cat inside a space away in the celebration using the door shut. This may stop your cat from becoming frightened. When individuals are coming into and from your home, there is also the possible that your cat could get outdoors, and there's also the danger that visitors will feed your cat unsafe human meals. It's much better to help keep your cat away in the celebration.

Keep in mind also that alcohol and animals don't mix nicely. Alcohol, actually, is deadly to animals. Even though you or (much more most likely) a guest may believe it is funny to slip a bit vodka into your cat’s water bowl, this could prove fatal. Whenever you have guests, place your cat’s food and water bowls someplace secure exactly where nobody can tamper with them.

Candles and electrical lights could also be unsafe for the pet. Cats are attracted to bright lights, along with a candle couldn't only burn your pet, but you might discover that a cat knocking more than a candle will begin a fire inside your home or, in the least, spill wax onto furnishings or carpets. Use electrical lights rather, but keep in mind to help keep the cords covered and taped down so your pet is not tempted to play with them. General, maintain an additional eye in your pet throughout the holidays to ensure they're staying secure all the time. You are able to possess a great time with out compromising your cat’s well being.

Help Keep A person's Cat Healthy Together with Cat Beds As well as Accessories

There is little doubtfulness that cats and also dogs possess a rivalry for important animal spot throughout human everyday life. And now, cats are obtaining much more particular attention in the dog industry in addition with an variety of cat bed frames and gadgets being made and agreed to make your animal a adorned one.

Cats desire to snuggle as well as warm weather, they are going to seek out a comfiest spot in your house. Some such as open resting places, potentially on a eye-port seat or perhaps near an empty window so as to see out there and smell out the outside. Others wish to snuggle heavy under the protects and now many beds at the moment are made much more like a case as well as sleeping travelling bag for the cat. Bed frames come in lots of sizes for any smallest with kittens to versatile two or more massive full-grown cats.

Toys tend to be an important part of a typical feline's lifestyle and people who are active with individuals provide a developing time and also fun. Fishing-type north and south poles are made through an attractive cat gift at the end, in some cases including cat nip. Other gadgets are made with regard to cats to play alone and these be like mice or perhaps are simply smaller soft-covered balls. Toys and games that cling from entrances or doorframes supply a lot of get and spin exercise. And people who have a golf ball contained in some sort of track, typically in a eliptical, provide hrs of enjoyment.

Providing river for your cats is critical to their health and fitness. Fresh pass systems present continuous reused water of which only need to always be refreshed as soon as the water provide is getting minimal. For the kitten who loves to drink in the tap, this can be a great different. Automatic bird feeders are also available, which can be great for individuals who are away from the residence for any time period. These can possibly be programmed to feast dry meals at particular times of the day as well as in certain portions, which also means they are great for your overweight kitty needing slightly diet enable.

Keeping any cat combed on a regular basis is vital for the health. The following reduces the chance of matting, and hairballs. Look for hair combs and/or brushes created with kitty fur at heart. Also, using a flea comb helps in finding in addition to reducing parasites. However, when fleas are normally found, some style or normal flea prevention medication is highly recommended.

Over the last years, cats have become crucial members of the family. Today, people usually provide besides the basics, nonetheless more animal comfort kinds of cat beds plus accessories with regards to feline associates. This helps in giving a longer plus happier existence for their animals.

Providing The Best suited New Kittens Take Good Care of Your New Pet

If you've just simply become or even are going to become the 'parent' of 1 or more fresh kittens, congratulations. This is a big burden, but it's additionally a lot of entertaining. Knowing before you start what the very best new kittens attention is will make sure that your current kitten has a at ease, easy plug-in into your household.

Purchasing the fundamentals before the new kitty comes home after work will make all go a lot more smoothly. These types of essentials will include a litter box, cat litter, food, pots and pans, and perhaps products, a uncovering post, or possibly a bed. Kittens possess sensitive bellies, so if you are about to switch foods, do so little by little by buying a few old and a few new, as well as mixing them gradually escalating proportions of the latest.

Most cats get free range of the home. But for some that offering your new kitten the opportunity immediately may be beneficial. Baby kittens can simply get fearful, overwhelmed, as well as lost in case given an entirely house to own through. Assigning one or two bedrooms the kitten spaces for a short while will allow those to settle in extra comfortably. You possibly can expand their own access to the property as they become accustomed to it so you.

Most kittens are going to have be trained to utilize a box by simply their mom, but hold back if they have any sort of accident or not one but two. They may not really know how to locate the box, as well as might be very young to obtain there rapidly enough. At times, a new kitten may very well be too fearful to come out of some sort of hiding put, and will provide an accident at this time there. These problems can certainly all be declined by making the kitty because comfortable as they can, and expressing him or her the location where the box is definitely several times with day to the first few a short time.

A vet's visit on your new kitty's initial days in your own home will make sure that they is as healthful as your woman looks, understanding that her photographs are appropriate on her age. An evaluation for red wigglers is often suitable, too, since kittens are prone to these. But if the lady tests favourable, you don't need to worry-- it comes with an effective easy treatment.

The most crucial part of enticing a new kitten to your residence is to remain calm. Remember that a person's kitty is often a baby, and never expect all the from the woman's as you might an adult cat. She might learn the principles of the house when you teach them thoroughly and with consideration.